Monday, March 02, 2009

Short and percise...

I just want to write a very short entry this time.....
this is my blog... my very own blog... it is up to me on how am i going to write it.
Not dramatic???? well.... this is my style....

Why can't people accept others' work? We do learn on human differences.. just accept it.
Hmm... Allah is so great. I have never experienced working with all the 4 flatters and I am not interested to work with them just because to save my boat. I can't work with all the tense and TOO CRITICAL THINKING people. Imagine... "bring the second sentence to the first." Isn't that the SAME?? What is so BAD with my writing and my language? I just can't take this.

My principal in life would be so simple. What is the point of having all the tense and depressed and the most will be A+. There is no A++++!! I would rather be SO MUCH HAPPY if I got B+ but not having all this headache and frustration.

Why must you waste my time by asking me to do it but in the end you threw it like a crap?
The more I know you.... There more I don't know you....
Hmm... do you need to buy others' "things" so that people will look upon you?

It is so sad that now the sincerity is no longer there. And you yourself have destroyed it.

Do forgive me in all my words....
I am just Expressing out my feeling....
And again this is MY blog.... It is all up to me......


Fairuz Selamat said...

hey.. what happen cutie...

cool ek... next thursday kite karaoke lagu suara sepi ek....

dah3.. chill..!!!!!

idasm said...

nape zaff.. jgn tension.. cool babe...
fairuz dh ajak pergi karaoke.. oklah tu... elok gak utk release tension..

Fairuz Selamat said...

tol3..!!! leh ajak en vincent sekali.. nyanyi lagu mulanya cinta