Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Lately, the issue of learning, teaching, comprehending and upgrading the quality of English has been discussed all over and spiced up on the mass media. Recapitulating on what is happening, from the issue of Math and Science in English, to the issue of Communicative learning is no longer relevant and now the productions of non-qualified English teachers.

It is good to see our Education Minister addresses and raises all these matter as a sign of concern and oaths to improve our education system, but could it be better if we solve one matter first before going into another one? Then, come out with the restriction for SPM candidates to take up to10 subjects only… ridiculous!! Think about students in the Islamic integration schools. How can they be great Muslim scientists if they are not allowed to take more than 10 subjects? Isn’t this will be a great ‘humiliation’ for bright students? We should not be too rigid as this my upset many capable students who want to and can perform. Let us be fair to all….

Back to the issue of Communicative learning is no longer relevant in teaching English. I think we should ask ourselves first, “What are the functions and roles of English in our life?” I believe majority of our people may answer, “For the sake of my JOB as I have to COMMUNICATE using the language.” It is so rare to stumble on this statement “I just do love English.” among Malaysians. This is the root problem, there is no self-awareness among Malaysians to learn and improve the language. Learning language is like acquiring a skill. The more you are exposed to it and practiced, the better you’ll be and family institutional has to take part actively in encouraging the children to learn the language. It is not fair to easily pin-point all the erroneous to English teachers and this is where the issue on the production of non-qualified English teachers came in. I do admit that me myself is not proficient enough, just on the par. So, to encounter this, I have no other choice than to put lots of endeavors and hard works to perk up my language. (read more… write more… huhuhu….) However, again, it is not fair for the ministry to compare Malaysian English teachers with the western teachers as they are thinking of bringing in these ‘mat salih’ into our country to teach our children. They are native speakers; of course they are the best English users. But, hey? Put these teachers at remote schools and let them teach there. Don’t put these teachers only at the best schools as you are only teaching ‘all the creams of the cake’!

Just wait and see….


peridot sepi said...

speaking 'london' nampak...

ZZ said...

terpaksa...memaksa... dan dipaksa untuk speaking london lah peridot...huhuhu...